THE 2025 SEASON IS A GO!! STAY TUNED! The league is in the process of switching registration software providers, registration will be open soon!
Some Common Rules and Expectations Of Play By Division
6U - Tee Ball
- 5 Inning game.
- 1 hour time limit.
- 11 inch "softie" softball & tee used.
- NO score keeping & no wins/losses tracked.
- 7 batters per inning, 3 out rule waived. After 7th batter, teams switch sides.
- 5 pitchers per batter to put the ball in play. Batter is out if the ball is not put in play after 5 pitches.
- 10 players defensively (4 outfielders)
These are NOT all inclusive of the rules of the game, please read more in our bylaws/constitution and USA softball rulebook for complete rules of the game.
8U - Pitching Machine & Grass Infield
- 5 Inning games.
- 1 hour maximum games.
- NO score keeping & no wins/losses tracked.
- 7 batters per inning, 3 out rule waived. After 7th batter, teams switch sides.
- 5 pitchers per batter to put the ball in play. Batter is out if the ball is not put in play after 5 pitches.
- 10 players defensively (4 outfielders)
These are NOT all inclusive of the rules of the game, please read more in our bylaws/constitution and USA softball rulebook for complete rules of the game.
10U - Pitching Machine & Dirt Infield
- 6 Inning game - 4:30pm or 6:30pm starts.
- No new inning after 1:20, 1:30 drop dead.
- Mercy Rule - 10+ runs AFTER 5 innings.
- 5 run rule per 1/2 inning in effect.
- Free Substitutions & Continuous Batting Order.
- 10 players defensively (4 outfielders)
- NO shorts allowed/long pants REQUIRED.
- 11 inch "softie" softball used.
- Pitching Machine on dirt infield.
- NO walks, bunts, steals or leading off.
- NO advancing on overthrows at 1st.
These are NOT all inclusive of the rules of the game, please read more in our bylaws/constitution and USA softball rulebook for complete rules of the game.
12U - Player Pitch & Dirt Infield
- No new inning after 1:20, 1:30 drop dead
- Pitchers restricted to 4 innings per game. 1 pitch in an inning is 1 inning pitched.
- Mercy Rule - 10+ runs AFTER 5 innings.
- 5 run rule per 1/2 inning in effect.
- Free Substitutions & Continuous Batting Order.
- NO shorts allowed/long pants REQUIRED.
- 10 players defensively (4 outfielders)
- 12 Inch regulation softball used.
- Player pitched - Windmill or Modified.
These are NOT all inclusive of the rules of the game, please read more in our bylaws/constitution and USA softball rulebook for complete rules of the game.
14U - Player Pitch & Dirt Infield
- Metal Cleats ARE allowed.
- No new inning after 1:20, 1:30 drop dead
- Pitchers restricted to 4 innings per game. 1 pitch in an inning is 1 inning pitched.
- Mercy Rule - 10+ runs AFTER 5 innings.
- 5 run rule per 1/2 inning in effect through the 4th inning. Unlimited after 4th.
- 9 player in the field and batting.
- Free Substitutions & Continuous Batting Order.
- NO shorts allowed/long pants REQUIRED.
These are NOT all inclusive of the rules of the game, please read more in our bylaws/constitution and USA softball rulebook for complete rules of the game.
High School - Player Pitch & Dirt Infield
- Metal Cleats ARE allowed.
- No new inning after 1:20, 1:30 drop dead
- Mercy Rule - 10+ runs AFTER 5 innings.
- NO 5 Run Rule.
- NO shorts allowed/long pants REQUIRED.
- No pitching limits
- 9 player in the field and batting.
- NO continuous batting order.
- NO DP/Flex positions allowed.
These are NOT all inclusive of the rules of the game, please read more in our bylaws/constitution and USA softball rulebook for complete rules of the game.

About Us
SVGSA — Mission Statement
OBJECTIVE — The objective and purpose shall be to foster, develop, promote and regulate amateur softball for girls within Spokane County. It will also be a SVGSA objective to engage in any activity or enterprise that will be beneficial to its members, to coordinate the registration of players and to promote health, team loyalty, individual sportsmanship, and most importantly team sportsmanship.
SVGSA — History
The Spokane Valley Girls Softball Association first sprouted from the ambitions of a few girls who wanted to play some softball — primarily, Sal Jackson. For over 50 years now, Sal's dedication and vision has provided thousands of Spokane Valley girls the opportunity to be part of a fun and healthy family. Year after year, with the help of dozens of volunteer coaches, parents, and community friends, the league has grown into the successful and anticipated summer sports program that it is today.